brandwatch alternatives

5 Top Brandwatch Alternatives

Your social media success depends on how well you are able to listen to what your audience is saying about you, your competitors and your market in general. This is what social listening and social media monitoring is all about.  With data and insights extracted from your social listening efforts, you are able to know … Read more

social listening needs integrated across departments

Why Social Listening Needs To Be Integrated Across Departments

Social listening should not be owned solely by your marketing function. Key parts of an organization need to share this gold mine. Before I get into the details of how social listening can benefit across departments, let us first tell you why businesses need to listen. If you work in corporate, the chances are you’ve … Read more

5 Under Analyzed Social Media Metrics That Matter [+ Tools To Measure Them!]

Using Hashtag Tracking to Optimize Social Listening Strategy [+ Tools!]

When many marketers and community managers think of social listening, manually scouring through sets of posts, tweets and messages comes to mind. But being left with a small relevant dataset is common, even though the process involves keyword research to target what your audience is saying about your brand and competitors. Adding hashtags to your … Read more

Social Media For Nonprofits: Proving Your ROI And Impact Through Social Media Analytics

Social media has radically changed the way people discover, consume, and share information about issues that matter to them.  For nonprofits, that’s more than a good thing.  Now your work, your impact, and your stories can get the recognition and attention they deserve. Social media for nonprofits gives you the chance to tell your brand … Read more

hide likes on Instagram

Where Does Keyhole Get Its Data?

At Keyhole, we want users to know what data we access from social platforms in compliance with their policies, and how we provide analytics to our customers.  We only plug into paid and approved partner data sources provided by major social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, as well as millions of news … Read more

sentiment analysis guide

The Ultimate Sentiment Analysis Guide

In this guide, you’ll discover one of the most powerful and exciting things in social media marketing today: sentiment analysis. We’ll cover why sentiment analysis is an important technique to use in your marketing mix, and we’ll show you some real-life examples of how companies are using it to monitor real-time trends and predict future … Read more

How Arizona State University Uses Keyhole To Help PBS Journalists And Students Become Authorities In Trending Topics

Keyhole Interviews – Arizona State University Jessica Pucci, Director of Digital Audience Programs – Walter Cronkite School, ASU “Keyhole is a tool that you can use to understand the conversation around a topic and help you become an authority, connecting you with people who are existing authorities. It’s always my hope that Keyhole becomes … Read more

How This John Hopkins University Graduate Uses Keyhole To Inform Large-Scale Marketing Strategies

Keyhole Interviews – John Hopkins University Robin Lindner, Graduate Researcher and Marketing Strategist, John Hopkins University “When I was putting together my strategy for these large projects, I was looking at sentiment, but I was also looking at what types of media folks were engaging the most with. Having access to that data through … Read more

How HerCampus uses Keyhole Reports To Show Sponsors The Real Reach Of Their Events

Keyhole Interviews – HerCampus Windsor Hanger-Western, Cofounder, HerCampus Media “We do a lot of experiential marketing within  HerCampus Media, and we used to have a hard time conveying the impact of our events to our brands.  They’d say, ‘Well, you’re doing an event and there are 1,000 women there, that seems like a lot … Read more