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6 Cognitive Biases You Can Use To Boost Social Media Marketing

There are 500 million tweets tweeted, 55 million facebook status updates, and more than 40 million post uploads on Instagram every day. How would you differentiate your company from the crowd and leverage psychology to get overwhelmed readers to focus on you?

Cognitive biases  are simply the irrational behaviors we exhibit even when we believe our decisions are logical.

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7 Experts On Using Social Media To Boost Sales

Social Media is like going on a diet. It’s difficult to get results; it takes endurance, and it’s frustrating. Fast, quick weight losses will always get you nowhere. Likewise, for Social Media to generate any revenue, you need to strategize and be patient.

Out of all the struggles Social Media Marketers face, boosting sales which ultimately justifies the need for an increased budget, is their biggest pain-point. Here, 7 Social Media experts share their tips on Social Media Marketing to boost sales & advice on how to measure your success.

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Social Media Analytics

Emerging Market Penetration CASE STUDY: KFC In CHINA

KFC lost part of its market share in the recent years in China, but their success in the Chinese market is legendary.

KFC entered the Chinese market in 1987, and it’s now the largest restaurant chain in the country, with a total of 4,563 restaurants. KFC controls as much as 40 percent of the Chinese market share, while McDonalds, far and away the most popular fast food restaurant in America, controls only 16 percent. There are four critical success factors.

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