Customer Success Stories – Keyhole Scheduled a Call Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:06:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customer Success Stories – Keyhole 32 32 How To X-Ray Social Media, According To Manu From Jelly Fri, 16 Dec 2022 14:44:03 +0000 Jelly is a cutting-edge Digital Agency based in Santiago, Chile. They distinguish themselves with an almost exclusively digital focus, being “99.9% digital”, and flaunting big-deal clients like Toyota, Lenovo, and Mallplaza among others. “Digital rules. If you focus on digital in the next 3-5 years you should be able to make it. That’s why digital ... Read more

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Jelly is a cutting-edge Digital Agency based in Santiago, Chile.

They distinguish themselves with an almost exclusively digital focus, being “99.9% digital”, and flaunting big-deal clients like Toyota, Lenovo, and Mallplaza among others.

“Digital rules. If you focus on digital in the next 3-5 years you should be able to make it. That’s why digital is our core.”

Manu Chatlani
Manu Chatlani
Executive Director

But with the exceptional amount of digital content out there today, Jelly’s challenge is to consistently deliver groundbreaking campaigns that stand out from the noise.

This is how they do it:

First, by promoting “rested brains” for their employees. This includes 5-week vacations for everyone on the team and working from home every Friday (because, as Manu told us, “ideas are not tied to a desk”).

The second step is putting the rested brains to work, milking every second of at-work time to make sure that any campaign they put out on social is being seen and well-received by any of the 3.03 billion social media users who may see it.

But, as you can imagine, managing these many impressions is not easy.

“Have you ever seen Guardians of the Galaxy from Marvel? It’s like you are in that spaceship. You are traveling, you know where you’re heading and you have no one ahead of you.

Then, suddenly, you have 20 enemy ships and you need to make a decision. Do you shoot, run, hide? My job is a lot like that. I am always making decisions on how to handle situations that come up. It’s non-stop.”


Luckily, Keyhole makes analyzing social media much easier ?.

“Keyhole gives you a simplified view of what’s happening with a current issue: it could be a hashtag, a trend, it could be an account. Whatever it is, you can go in and get a quick snapshot of what’s happening.”

For example, Jelly recently launched an awareness campaign that resulted in over 23 million impressions on social in 90 days. These numbers are almost impossible to track manually.

Image showing top metrics from Keyhole's hashtag tracking dashboard for this campaign: 3,838 Posts, 1,544 Users, 126,637 engagements, 4,520,786 Reach, 23,317,928 Impressions

Using Keyhole, Manu’s team (as well as their client) was able to instantly see this kind of key information about their campaign’s performance both as it happened in real-time and at review stages once the campaign was done.

By analyzing all social media interactions and displaying the data in a simple way that takes out the guesswork, Keyhole helps Manu’s team to focus on what’s important. This way, brains don’t get over-tired with the nitty-gritty numbers, but simply use the data to make the best decisions possible.

This is why Manu sees Keyhole as a kind of social media X-ray. You can quickly get to the bottom line that you’re looking for without having to do extra digging.

“It’s like an X-ray at an emergency room. Even if there’s no time for something very exhaustive at first, you need to move quickly. If we are promoting a campaign we can know right away if it’s working or not. I can find out easily without having to take in the full volume of the conversation.”

With this kind of approach, where every member of the team can dedicate their full work time to what’s important, Jelly’s continuing success is no wonder. Check out their website to see what they are up to, and the type of results that can be produced by this kind of company.

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How NBC Sports Made American Century Golf Championship A Success Fri, 16 Dec 2022 13:59:56 +0000 Nick Casanova – the Director of Programming, Planning, and Scheduling at NBC Sports – was tasked to track the social performance of his company’s annual event despite little experience; using Keyhole, Nick found success across multiple KPIs NBC Sports is part of NBCUniversal, a household name in the world of entertainment, broadcasting and production marketing. ... Read more

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Nick Casanova – the Director of Programming, Planning, and Scheduling at NBC Sports – was tasked to track the social performance of his company’s annual event despite little experience; using Keyhole, Nick found success across multiple KPIs

NBC Sports is part of NBCUniversal, a household name in the world of entertainment, broadcasting and production marketing. Headquartered in Manhattan, NBCUniversal runs a vast entertainment and news television network and has also established various internet-based businesses and world-renowned theme parks. 

What is the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship Tournament? 

Keyhole - Case Study - Automated Hashtag Performance, Social Media Account Tracking, and Proving ROI - American Century Championship - Nick Headshot

The American Century Championship takes place every July at Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course in Lake Tahoe. Big time celebrities like Stephen Curry, Michael Jordan & Justin Timberlake have teed it up at the event in the past.

Less Support and More Responsibility 

The NBC Sports programming and scheduling team was put in charge of managing the American Century Golf Tournament, in addition to their daily tasks.

“This event takes place during a busy part of our year, as a result, people are asked to assume tasks that may not be in their day to day job description.  Over the years, American Century, our title sponsor, was outsourcing a group to track all the social buzz around the event.  In 2017, they asked if we would be able to bring the job in house.”

With other departments tied up, the responsibilities piled up and the programming team was forced to track hashtags and keywords for them despite not having the proper experience or background. 

Manually Tracking Hashtags and Keywords – A Difficult Task

“So, we had our interns just following the hashtag and trying to see what the chatter around the event was like. And we mostly focused on what we were getting from our handles,” said Nick.

The manual tracking of hashtags and keywords is a tedious and obsolete process. But, this wasn’t the only challenge NBCUniversal was faced with while tracking and tracing details to share with their main sponsor, American Century.

Tracking down thousands of impressions and hundreds of keywords was one thing, but analyzing the data to take away tangible, actionable insights was an even bigger challenge. 

Not long after, Nick and his team realized that they wouldn’t be able to offer any in-depth social analytics or social media insights to their sponsors if they continued manually tracking everything.

“This raw and unstructured data wasn’t that handy to impress. This half-cooked bacon needed that final touch to become well-structured and easy to analyze.”

And that’s where Keyhole came in.

A Social Media Analytics Tool Tracking Hashtags and Keywords 

NBCUniversal provides seminars that their employees can attend to learn about things outside of their business. It was in one of these seminars that Nick was first introduced to the digital world of Keyhole. 

Nick wasn’t satisfied with the insights coming from manually tracking the conversation on social media. Keyhole’s advanced functionality and easy-to-use interface was the ultimate answer to his prayers.       

One Quick and Easy Solution: Keyhole

Nick and his team got a powerful social media analytics tool in the shape of Keyhole.

This also helped the team discover what influencers and celebrities were already talking about the event. 

“We didn’t just use it for the keyword impressions we usually have. We were tracking our handle, tracking the hashtags, and then, any other generic keyword that could be related to the event.”

Keyhole was a one stop shop for all of their pain points, addressing account tracking and hashtag tracking in one easy dashboard.

Establishing a Brand Name and proving ROI to Chief Sponsor

For some time, the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship, was just being referred to as a ‘Celebrity Golf’ event – completely overlooking the chief sponsor of the event, American Century. 

“We’ve seen almost a 50% drop in people talking about the event just as ‘Celebrity Golf’, and they are more using the actual event name.”

Now, Nick can confidently tell their sponsors that NBCUniversal has increased impressions for the event while also decreasing the number of people who are talking about the event generically. 

Proving ROI and showing that the event has been beneficial for American Century. 

Reflecting on Keyhole and the results he achieved, Nick said: “The tool is super easy to use, and it just made our lives easier. I think what we’ve been able to provide to American Century is more reliable than what we were doing manually. With Keyhole, we have credible numbers that we’re able to share and create stories to help us strengthen the relationship that we have with them. And hopefully, extend our partnership with them way into the future.”

Keyhole is a real-time conversation tracker that provides keyword and hashtag analytics for Twitter and Instagram. Get started for free and search your brand.

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How Keyhole’s Hashtag Tracking Powered WWF’s We Love Cities Campaign Tue, 08 Dec 2020 14:59:10 +0000 Tasked with organizing the We Love Cities campaign, Filip Olsok enlisted Keyhole. Its hashtag tracking feature allowed him to successfully monitor all 54 of their campaign hashtags. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) works to help local communities conserve natural resources. Moreover, it transform markets and policies towards sustainability and protect species and their ... Read more

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Tasked with organizing the We Love Cities campaign, Filip Olsok enlisted Keyhole. Its hashtag tracking feature allowed him to successfully monitor all 54 of their campaign hashtags.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) works to help local communities conserve natural resources. Moreover, it transform markets and policies towards sustainability and protect species and their habitats.

All of their efforts ensure that their values of sustainability are influencing decision-making from a local to a global scale.  

With the ultimate goal of building a sustainable world for the generations to come, the WWF runs projects around the globe. Two of which are the One Planet City Challenge (OPPC), and the associated We Love Cities campaign.

Filip Olsok, the Program Coordinator at WWF Sweden, is primarily responsible for coordinating these two projects. 

WWF WLC Hashtag Campaign

In an effort to engage citizens around the world, WWF launched the We Love Cities initiative. This campaign designed to encourage people around the world to express their love and support for the actions their cities are taking to tackle climate change, and to ensure a climate-safe future for all.

WWF uses this campaign to encourage people to learn about climate change and what their cities are doing to tackle the issue.

Filip is in charge of keeping everything aligned between the various WWF offices, who are in turn responsible for managing the participating cities.

“So, we use the love and pride for one’s city as a shortcut for raising awareness about the role of cities in climate action and sustainability in general.” 

As Project Manager, Filip is also responsible for hashtag tracking. Specifically, he has to monitor the traction of all 54 hashtags on different social media platforms.

The Need for A Social Media Monitoring Tool

When Filip first joined the team in 2018, WWF wasn’t using any social media monitoring tools for the We Love Cities campaign.

Filip knew that monitoring hashtags for over 50 participating cities was no easy task. Additionally, monitoring hashtag data and compiling it in a presentable was not possible without the help of a hashtag tracking tool. 

He tested many tools including Hootsuite, Sprout Social and Brand24 but ultimately decided to go with Keyhole.

“All of them were quite expensive and Sprout Social, the second option we were considering, even charged per hashtag. Plus, Keyhole was much more accessible, so it tipped the scale in its favour.”

In 2020, Filip was assigned the We Love Cities campaign again. It was a no-brainer for him to recommend Keyhole as a social media hashtag tracking tool to the campaign manager with whom he had also worked in 2018. 

WWF Quote - Keyhole Social Media Analytics Tool

A User-Friendly Tracking Solution 

WWF needed a social media analytics tool that could comprehensively track all the hashtags of the participating cities. The, sort them with corresponding dates and IDs, so that the team could see how many times a specific ID has voted/posted about a city in a day. 

To facilitate hashtag tracking, this campaign assigned a unique hashtag to each city. The city of Vancouver, for example, was given #WeLoveVancouver.

Filip would then dive into the posts collected from Keyhole for each hashtag and count one vote per user from each social media account in 24 hours. In other words, if a person posted the same hashtag from the same account 60 times in 24 hours, it would still be counted as one vote.

Using Keyhole to Prove Success and ROI

WWF’s goal for this particular campaign was to spread the message of sustainability and to raise awareness about the role cities play in climate change. This included tracking both the negative impact and the potential that cities have to develop and implement solutions.  

Filip looked to Keyhole to determine the success of the hashtag monitoring campaign.

“I put the 54 city hashtags as a group within the trackers. So, it gives me the overall hashtags report and I could look at the total aggregate and regional engagement. Keyhole made it so easy to know the overall numbers.

And then on a more micro level, I could look at each hashtag to find out the most engaging posts. I was able to know the three most engaging posts from each of the 54 hashtags. That was quite a simple way to determine what type of content was most interesting for our audience.”

The way that Keyholes aggregates hashtag tracking data into easy-to-read graphs was the cherry on top for him.

“I am quite obsessed with graphs and putting numbers into colours and stuff. So, the user interface where you could see the engagement and all the different statistics into graphs was very helpful.”

Keyhole’s Impact

When discussing the impact Keyhole had on his team’s success hashtag monitoring in this campaign, Filip said:

WWF Quote - Keyhole Social Media Campaign Tracker

Keyhole’s simple-to-manage dashboard made the task of conducting hashtag monitoring on 54 city hashtags quite easy. Also, it helped Filip quickly find the winner – which otherwise would have been a lengthy process. 

“We would not be able to correctly measure and track the usage of our 50 plus campaign hashtags in an easy all-in-one place sort of dashboard, which kind of makes it much faster to compare, to download results, to get the data from different perspectives based on the rules and how we set up our counting approach and deciding the winner. I think it would take years to search for hashtags and try to count manually. So, yeah, we would not be able to find the winner of the campaign or easily summarize our overall campaign success in terms of engagement reach without a solution like Keyhole.”

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How Define American Used Keyhole For Campaign Success In Real Time Tue, 18 Aug 2020 21:37:37 +0000 Juno Maldonado, a digital strategist at Define American, was tired of manually tracking campaign data. Keyhole not only helped her streamline the entire process but also to accurately measure the impact of her campaigns. Define American is a media advocacy organization that fights anti-immigrant hate in America through authentic storytelling. The organization aims to shed ... Read more

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Juno Maldonado, a digital strategist at Define American, was tired of manually tracking campaign data. Keyhole not only helped her streamline the entire process but also to accurately measure the impact of her campaigns.

Define American is a media advocacy organization that fights anti-immigrant hate in America through authentic storytelling. The organization aims to shed light on real-life immigrant stories by shifting the conversation about immigrants, identity, and citizenship in a changing America.

Juno’s Role at Define American

Juno joined the organization as a digital strategist to design and manage campaigns from a strategic perspective, keeping them aligned to the organization’s objectives. 

“I manage all the social media channels – especially the national ones. I’m in charge of doing the backend of the digital campaigns to make sure everything is strategized.”

The Issue: Measuring the Campaign Impact  

When it came time to measure the impact of a recent campaign, Juno realized that her team did not have access to the right tools to measure the reach and engagement around a campaign’s hashtag. 

As a narrative and culture change focused organization, Define American has a research department in charge of studying the impact of Define American’s work, including campaigns. Juno was looking for a tool that could demonstrate with data that the work was making a difference. 

“We have a whole research person to do that (tracking) to measure whether or not the work we’re doing is effective and if we’re changing minds and hearts.”

Manual Tracking was Time-Consuming, Yet Incomplete

Manually tracking data was one-dimensional, general and not streamlined enough to be presented in a clear form. Although they were monitoring the total hashtag usage and measuring engagement, Juno knew it was still an incomplete way of getting insights. 

“It took so much time to do, to track all of that and add it all up on my end.”

These outdated ways of tracking data consumed most of her time and the returns were insufficient. 

Taking Keyhole for a Test Drive

When Define American introduced their #BlackandGold campaign – a virtual event to create solidarity and support for the Black and Asian communities – they needed to know the impact of it. Define American has a lot of connections with celebrities and so, the team wanted to measure the impact that influencers had on the performance of the campaign.

They were seeking all this data that our current software was never going to be able to give us.”

Juno knew that there was a better way. She started researching different social listening tools, gave Keyhole a try and instantly fell in love with it.

With the click of a button, Juno was able to share the link to her Keyhole tracker with her entire team and they were immediately impressed with the data they previously didn’t have access to.

And then Define American took Keyhole for another test run, this time with another campaign, #Immigrad – a virtual celebration for immigrant graduates. Many celebrities were involved – one of them being Selena Gomez. Selena put together a video for #Immigrad and Juno’s team wanted to track the performance and impact of that video post.

Using Keyhole, Juno was able to see how far and wide the reach was, and even discovered that the campaign reached Norway!

“There were so many things that were happening outside the scope of our country that we didn’t realize.”

How Juno Uses Keyhole

“It was the sentiment score. That’s what sealed the deal for me…. And the second thing was being able to locate where the major engagements were at.”

Conversations around immigrants are still considered to be a sensitive topic for many in the US. So, gauging a campaign in terms of sentiment was the most important task. 

For Define American, Keyhole provided an opportunity to know what worked well to gain the positive sentiment of the masses and spread it across the country. It’s crucial for them that they’re not preaching to the choir, and that their campaigns target the people in the middle – those that lean a little to the left, and a little to the right. 

With #Immigrad for example, Juno could see that the overall sentiment was shifting to positive closer to the end of the campaign. This helped them prove it was worth all the time and resources that were put into making this event happen. The location data underscored the success of the campaign, showing the states that had the most support. 

Achieving 96% Positive Sentiment with Keyhole

It is crucial to the organization that their campaigns are able to shift the narrative around immigrants to a more positive light. And through Keyhole, Juno was able to prove it with numbers.

Define American was receiving some negative reactions to their campaign, which ended up overshadowing the presence of positive sentiments. Juno traced these elements and concluded that many of the people weren’t able to relate or understand the true concept of the campaign. 

Through Keyhole, Juno was able to narrow down the campaign to target like-minded people. 

“What we did was start targeting more universities and college chapters. So, they can start promoting them on their own pages.”

Keyhole vs Sprout Social: And the Winner is…

The team Define American also tried out Sprout Social, another reputable social media management platform. Their shift from Sprout Social to Keyhole was mainly based on two pain points: high price and unavailability of location data. For tracking a few keywords, she just could not justify the subscription price.

“They also have social listening, but it’s way too expensive. It’s sort of $500 or $600 as a non-profit for three keywords. It was way too much for me.”

Sprout Social offered valuable data but it didn’t break down posts by cities like Keyhole does.

Now Juno is an Advocate for Keyhole!

Whenever asked to recommend a social media listening tool, she’s quick to speak about the success that Keyhole brought to her team. 

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How BottleRock Music Festival Amps Up Influencer Engagement With Keyhole Sun, 24 May 2020 11:16:00 +0000 BottleRock is a Napa Valley music festival that aims to bring together the best of Napa culture- wine, music, food and more wine, in true Napa fashion. “When people come to Napa, the first thing that they think of is great wine. What goes along with great wine is great food, and what pairs perfectly ... Read more

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BottleRock is a Napa Valley music festival that aims to bring together the best of Napa culture- wine, music, food and more wine, in true Napa fashion.

“When people come to Napa, the first thing that they think of is great wine. What goes along with great wine is great food, and what pairs perfectly with food and wine is music. Add beautiful rolling hills, vineyards, and world-class hospitality and you have what we call BottleRock Napa Valley.”

-Jasa Laliberte, Marketing Manager.

Jasa Laliberte for BottleRock for Keyhole

The festival was originally started in 2013, and by 2015 was selling out. In 2018, with an impressive lineup, festival tickets sold out earlier than ever before, spurring successful sales and a dedicated fanbase in the years of the festival after.

“We really focus a lot on customer experience, paying particular emphasis to our 4 different levels of VIP and providing an all-around amazing experience for the concert-goer from start to finish. In the same way that Napa provides such amazing hospitality, we try to do the same thing at our festival.”

Why Keyhole?

The marketing team at BottleRock accomplishes some pretty awesome feats through our tool year-round. Check it out! They include:

Identifying & Finding Influencers

Jasa’s team is able to regularly find and engage artists and influencers they didn’t know were speaking about BottleRock through Keyhole’s Influencers feature.

The ‘Influencers’ tab in Keyhole shows top users engaging with your hashtag or keyword, allowing you to engage with them and their content directly from the platform.

“Before Keyhole, I wasn’t seeing some of the bigger accounts that were talking about us. I just never knew they were out there being a positive influencer for us! So now I’m definitely looking into those people. We have kind of a daily ‘a-ha!’ moment with Keyhole.”

Identifying Trends by Tracking Hashtags Year-Round

According to Jasa, Keyhole’s biggest impact is saving time by clearly depicting cross-platform data.

We asked Jasa what she did before Keyhole, to which she laughingly replied, “Well, I had lots of spreadsheets!”

“The biggest thing that’s been helpful for us is being able to actually see our overall impressions online. The data was on different platforms and we were not able to see what other people were saying about us very easily. Now we are actually able to put a number and a statistic behind it.”

By tracking relevant hashtags and keywords year-round, Jasa’s team is also able to identify relevant trends as they happen, and adjust their marketing strategies and event accordingly.

“The biggest things are the analytics behind it, the numbers. We’ve tracked hashtags for the last 5 years, but we’ve never done it all year round–so it’s been beneficial for us to see different trends and quantify them.”

By being able to identify trends and track keywords and hashtags, it brings numerous benefits to the team by being able to measure reach and engagement, benchmark against competitors or other similar festivals, as well as track how people feel about milestones such as lineup announcements. 

Sharing User Generated Content Live At Your Event

Keyhole offers a Media Wall feature that’s extremely easy to moderate, and allows your audience to share content and connect on any sized screen. 

Whether it’s a massive jumbotron or simply a mobile app, help your event attendees connect and share experiences through the Media Wall feature. 

BottleRock uses Keyhole’s Media Wall to live stream content that festival attendees share on their social media to enhance the experience.

The team can also control what is actually being displayed on the Media Wall with the handy moderation feature – filtering out any content that may be inappropriate or irrelevant. 

Optimizing Content

Lastly, Keyhole helps with content creation by giving insight into the types of conversations users are having.

Keyhole’s word cloud for the ‘#BottleRock’ Keyword tracker shows what else people discuss when talking about Napa online.

“It is influencing our strategy. As we are moving to figure out specific copy and content, we are looking at what we’re putting out there in terms of hashtags and keywords, and figuring out what themes and trends we are seeing…what is being engaged with the most. We try and find that theme and replicate it.”

The word cloud helps to identify relevant themes and topics that can bring insights into marketing strategies by shining light on subjects that are also being buzzed about. 

Keyhole Streamlines Marketing Processes

Overall, Keyhole’s data has helped BottleRock’s marketing team save time and simplify their processes, allowing them to focus on what’s most important: creating unforgettable festival experiences and selling out year after year.

What can Keyhole do for you? Sign up for a 3-day free trial and find out!

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Keyhole is a real-time conversation tracker that provides keyword + hashtag analytics and social media analytics across platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Get started for free here.

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How Arizona State University Uses Keyhole To Help PBS Journalists And Students Become Authorities In Trending Topics Wed, 16 Jan 2019 20:02:49 +0000 Keyhole Interviews – Arizona State University Jessica Pucci, Director of Digital Audience Programs – Walter Cronkite School, ASU “Keyhole is a tool that you can use to understand the conversation around a topic and help you become an authority, connecting you with people who are existing authorities. It’s always my hope that Keyhole becomes ... Read more

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Keyhole Interviews - Arizona State University

Jessica Pucci, Director of Digital Audience Programs – Walter Cronkite School, ASU

“Keyhole is a tool that you can use to understand the conversation around a topic and help you become an authority, connecting you with people who are existing authorities.

It’s always my hope that Keyhole becomes a tool in my students’ arsenal that they turn to first. Keyhole is great because it allows students to visualize the many facets of a conversation and assess what’s performing well in different ways. The students love it.

Ultimately, having data behind your decision is what makes your content stronger and makes you a stronger communicator.

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How This John Hopkins University Graduate Uses Keyhole To Inform Large-Scale Marketing Strategies Wed, 16 Jan 2019 19:54:41 +0000 Keyhole Interviews – John Hopkins University Robin Lindner, Graduate Researcher and Marketing Strategist, John Hopkins University “When I was putting together my strategy for these large projects, I was looking at sentiment, but I was also looking at what types of media folks were engaging the most with. Having access to that data through ... Read more

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Keyhole Interviews - John Hopkins University

Robin Lindner, Graduate Researcher and Marketing Strategist, John Hopkins University

“When I was putting together my strategy for these large projects, I was looking at sentiment, but I was also looking at what types of media folks were engaging the most with.

Having access to that data through Keyhole, I was able to go and make a change. For the professional, it is so key because you can prove that you know what you’re talking about. You can prove that your strategy has merit.”

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How HerCampus uses Keyhole Reports To Show Sponsors The Real Reach Of Their Events Wed, 16 Jan 2019 19:43:54 +0000 Keyhole Interviews – HerCampus Windsor Hanger-Western, Cofounder, HerCampus Media “We do a lot of experiential marketing within  HerCampus Media, and we used to have a hard time conveying the impact of our events to our brands.  They’d say, ‘Well, you’re doing an event and there are 1,000 women there, that seems like a lot ... Read more

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Keyhole Interviews - HerCampus

Windsor Hanger-Western, Cofounder, HerCampus Media

We do a lot of experiential marketing within  HerCampus Media, and we used to have a hard time conveying the impact of our events to our brands.  They’d say, ‘Well, you’re doing an event and there are 1,000 women there, that seems like a lot of money to just reach 1,000 women’. 

So, we’re saying “You’re not just reaching the 1,000 women that are there, you’re reaching all of their friends on social, because we’re creating experiences that they’re going to want to share”.  And so by you hosting this amazing event with us with those women, it’s exponential how many women you’re going to access. 

And Keyhole is how we say it’s not just 1,000 women, it’s 5 million impressions… the numbers help us prove the impact of what we’re doing to our customers”. 

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How The Infinite Agency Uses Keyhole To Run ‘Real-Time Marketing’ & Predict Campaign Success Thu, 31 May 2018 23:21:38 +0000 Freddy Duran is the Social Media Director at The Infinite Agency, a cutting-edge, data-driven creative agency based in Dallas, Texas. A strong advocate for the power of social media analytics, Freddy gives us his expert insight into *why* it is so crucial to use data to optimize social media campaigns at every stage, and how ... Read more

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Freddy Duran is the Social Media Director at The Infinite Agency, a cutting-edge, data-driven creative agency based in Dallas, Texas.

A strong advocate for the power of social media analytics, Freddy gives us his expert insight into *why* it is so crucial to use data to optimize social media campaigns at every stage, and how it helps to reach the right people with the right message at the right time.

“Anything that is not data backed, to me, is guesswork.”

Freddy Duran

In this article, Freddy focuses on how Predictive Analytics help you determine campaign success and pivot when needed. He also explores the concept of “real-time marketing”, using social media analytics to optimize campaigns as they run.

Predicting Campaign Success

One of The Infinite Agency’s Award-Winning campaigns ˄

One of the benefits of using social media analytics tools like Keyhole is predictive power, and “Predictions” is a feature that sets us apart.

GIF illustrating 'Predictions' tool being toggled on Keyhole

After just 7 days of tracking an active #campaign with Keyhole, you can predict campaign performance for the next 30 days.

I mean, I used to do these projections by hand and the methodology is the same, based on historical data by x amount of time, but the fact that you guys are including it in your dashboard is amazing.”

How does this work?: Our algorithm will learn key metrics about your campaign’s performance such as the number of posts and average engagements, and will then project those numbers based on its current status.

“Back in the day (and when I say that, I mean like 2-3 years ago) marketers had to know the algorithms and formulas to calculate these things by hand. Saving time by not doing these things by hand, and knowing that you still have accurate information is very valuable.”

Being able to predict campaign performance helps you know if your campaign is already set to get the traction you are hoping for, or if you need to be more proactive with your outreach to hit your goals before it’s too late.

Image of a Hashtag Tracker dashboard 'Predicting' campaign performance for the next 30 days

“In my personal experience with advertising, I have dealt with many tools. But Keyhole is the only one that is incredibly easy to use, and right off the bat I was blown away that you have built-in campaign performance predictions. That is something that I haven’t seen anywhere else.

Optimize Campaigns with Real-Time Marketing

Image of Infinite Agency campaign- 3 People Popping Confetti Balloons

“I’m seeing it a whole lot lately that clients ask: ‘How can we do social listening better?’, ‘How can we be more reactive to what’s going on right now?’. Real-time trackers like Keyhole help you know how people are feeling about and talking about your brand in real time. This means that we can have real-time marketing from a brand perspective and make it reactionary.”

Image showing a Sentiment score of 98
This sentiment score from one of the Agency’s campaigns indicates healthy overall brand sentiment.

Real-time marketing entails tracking conversations as they happen on social media, and reacting to both positive and negative conversations in a way that benefits your overall marketing strategy.

For Example:

Positive posts can be shared as social proof, and you can chime in on trending topics during spikes of activity to amplify your message.

Negative Posts can be addressed right away and mediated in order to prevent a change in your brand sentiment.

This approach helps Freddy and his team optimize campaigns during their entire run.

“My life would be terrible without social media analytics tools. Being able to look at a tool like Keyhole is incredibly important because it gives you a look at not only what a brand is doing right but also how people are responding to it.

Being able to assess how audiences are feeling is the end game. Advertisement is based on happiness and persuasion, and if you can determine how people are reacting to things or how they’re talking about it, that gives you good insights into what you should do as an advertiser or a marketer, and you guys take away a lot of the guesswork in that.”

The post How The Infinite Agency Uses Keyhole To Run ‘Real-Time Marketing’ & Predict Campaign Success appeared first on Keyhole.
